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THE CHANGING WORLD ORDER | Victims, Villans, and the Monetary Scheme

Published on 20 Apr 2021 / In Education

Biden's printing of free money has a purpose, and it's not to line the pockets of the poor. If you've read Ray Dalio's recent LinkedIN articles it's clear there are larger issues at stake. The problem is global central banks are facing a new challenger, cryptocurrency.

"As A Man Thinketh" with Charlie Yanasa TV
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0:00 Who is behind New World Order
1:17 Cycles of Empires and Financial Collapse
2:58 Why Lumber Prices are Skyrocketing
7:38 Food Protectionism Intensifying
10:17 Trade Wars leading to Blockades
12:28 Capitalism vs Socialism Monetary Policy
13:57 Cash is Trash
15:37 The Modern Monetary Theory MP3
20:08 Why Governments want to ban Cryptocurrency
22:44 Biden is compromised on Russia
26:00 Modern Monetary Theory is Imperialism
27:55 World Order is about to collapse
28:48 Inflation is Intentional
29:44 Why The Government Will Take Your Property
30:47 Everyone will Pay more Taxes
32:54 The Rising Elite Global Power
34:21 Who is Klaus Schwab, the Truth
38:29 Klaus Schwab's Holy Roman Empire
39:38 Putin Grabs Eternal Power
40:46 Why Billionaires Are Buying Up Farm Land.
42:22 Why Governments are Supporting Plant Based & Synthetic Food
44:11 Capitalism maintains rationing
44:42 Prepare Yourself for Inflation

#foodsecurity #worldorder #financialcrisis #financialcollapse #economy #changingworldorder #cryptocurrency #FED #crypto #bitcoin

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