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Coronavirus immunity: Did Sweden's model fail? | COVID-19 Special Unlisted

Published on 11 Jun 2020 / In News & Politics

Sweden is among the countries that have opted against a lockdown and instead gone for voluntariness when it comes to measures against spreading covid-19. This strategy has arguably lead to one of the highest per capita death tolls in the world, but very little immunity.
Still some scientists believe herd immunity is the answer. They say up to 70 percent of the population must be immune, to wipe out the virus.
But antibody tests are only just starting. And a new wave of infections could hit.
Catching the coronavirus can lead to immunity, but vaccination would be safer than natural immunization. Yet a vaccine remains illusive. And it's neither clear whether those infected with the coronavirus really are immune, nor for how long.
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#Coronavirus #Anitbodies #Immunity

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