PLANDEMIC DEBUNKED With ZDoggMD | Full Interview | The Jordan Harbinger Show Ep. 354 Unlisted
Masquerading as a 26-minute documentary trailer, Plandemic is the latest piece of pseudoscience propaganda making the rounds during these troubled times. Conceived by a committed anti-vaccine activist and promoted relentlessly by mouth-breathing conspiracy theorists, the video went viral (pun appropriately intended) across social media to be seen by millions — spreading misinformation far and wide like COVID-19 (aka coronavirus) at a heavily armed reopen rally. It was promptly removed from most responsible social media platforms, which the conspiracy theorists, of course, took as proof that “they” were trying to hide “the truth” from the masses.
In this episode, we’re joined by The ZDoggMD Show host — ZDoggMD himself (aka Zubin Damania) — to debunk the spurious claims made in Plandemic by presenting actual science in a way we hope is more entertaining than a typical perusal around the weird part of YouTube. If by the end of this episode you’re gullible enough to continue believing the outright lies of Plandemic and think we’re just part of the massive coverup, there’s probably no convincing you that This Is Spinal Tap isn’t the faithful account of a past-its-prime rock act navigating through difficult times. Listen, learn, enjoy, and share this episode with your conspiracy-minded friends — and enemies!
What We Discuss with ZDoggMD:
👨⚕️No, COVID-19 wasn’t cooked up in a lab somewhere to wreak havoc on the world’s populace at the behest of elite politicians and scientists.
👨⚕️No, COVID-19 is not “activated” by wearing face masks designed to protect you and others from the spread of pathogens.
👨⚕️No, Dr. Anthony Fauci wasn’t responsible for destroying Judy Mikovits’ career and covering up her (discredited) contributions to medical science.
👨⚕️No, Italian vaccines aren’t to blame for causing Coronavirus symptoms in otherwise healthy people.
👨⚕️No, Jordan Harbinger and Dr. Zubin Damania are not shills for the Illuminati.
And much more…
Full show notes here:
Want to go deeper on COVID-19? Check out our interview with former CDC Director, Julie Gerberding:
The original Plandemic is no longer available on mainstream websites, but you can learn more about it here:
Check out Dr. Damania's channel here:
And get up-to-date information about COVID-19 from the CDC here:
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