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Smooth Jazz House Music Mix - Cozy Evening Dinner

Published on 24 Jul 2024 / In Music / House

Tracklist down below👇🏼
Flavour Trip clothing available on https://flavourtrip.com

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We are Amii Watson and Jimmi Harvey, two house-heads catching as many flavours and experiences as possible on our trip as nomad Djs. In this set we are taking you on a jazzy deep house trip in the South of France and we'll cook a traditional french/swiss dish on the open fire. Outdoor cooking is fun!
Feel free to put this mix on for a smooth evening dinner atmosphere, to focus while working, when exercising or doing the chores in your cozy home. Treat yourself with your favourite tasty snack/drink and dance like no one is watching. You deserve some time off! Keep up the positivity!

Follow our 5 Spotify playlists if you want more music like this:

1) 00:00 Amicalement Vôtre - Tour - Maubourg @ht_rec
2) 04:56 Just Words - Dub Mix - Igor Gonya, We Are Neurotic, Cael Dadian (Gonya Entertainment)
3) 08:40 Waiting For You - Colorjaxx @PuroMusiclabel
4) 13:43 Feeling Love - Lalo Leyy, Lee Graves (Hive)
5) 18:16 Indigo Jack - Jo Paciello (Plastik People)
6) 23:28 Obnoxious Groove - Bass Toast @ht_rec
7) 29:36 Constant Jazz - Manuel Kane @suburbanmusictv
8) 37:04 Nice To Arise - Sem Jacobs (FUNKiMAN)
9) 42:38 Never Love - Vic Esenaihc (Rhythm Vibe)
10) 48:04 Express Ourselves - Igor Gonya (Criss Korey Remix) @lisztomaniarec
11) 53:40 As I Got You - Phaze Dee @PuroMusiclabel
12) 58:44 You Name It - El Funkador @lisztomaniarec
13) 01:04:20 Call Me Ishmael - Madcat @PontNeufRecords
14) 01:09:40 The Trumpet Track - Marc Cotterell, Dominic Balchin, Johnny Trumpet (Plastik People)
15) 01:15:00 Dig The Set - Marc Cotterell (Plastik People)
16) 01:20:52 Une Nuit À La Cour - Sem Jacobs, Molamère (FUNKiMAN)
17) 01:27:00 Definition Of Soul - Dubeats @lisztomaniarec
18) 01:32:00 In Dreams - Ricky Razu @ht_rec
19) 01:36:48 Jazzlounge - Igor Gonya (Gonya Entertainment)

04:30 Chin-Chin!
20:21 Behind The Scenes 1
34:38 Behind The Scenes 2
41:47 Cockpit Decoration
43:32 S'il vous plaît
47:08 French Wisdom
01:18:57 If You Could Only Smell...
01:38:56 Yummy!

Follow Jimmi Harvey:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimmiharvey/
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/22yhPUVvQAGOJfhhmT
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/jimmiharveymusic
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/jimmiharvey

Follow Amii Watson:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amiiwatson/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itsamiiwatson
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/amiiwatson
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/55LFAg2fHaxSMYzNsy

Follow Flavour Trip:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flavourtripmusic
- Spotify Playlists: https://open.spotify.com/user/....315jg75hpqsp4acnwytd
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/flavourtrip
- Paypal https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/flavourtrip
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/flavourtrip

Become a Patron to get access to exclusive bonus content and support us so we can keep making mixes for you!

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Please support these artists and consider buying the songs that we play in this set:
1) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/6848810/amicaleme
2) https://igorgonya.bandcamp.com/album/just-words
3) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/10137571/waiting-
4) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/9527283/feeling-l
5) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/10703910/indigo-j
6) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/9988364/obnoxious
7) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/9201528/constant-
8) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/9782868/nice-to-a
9) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/10499480/never-lo
10) https://lisztomaniarec.bandcam....p.com/album/express-
11) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/5259002/as-i-got-
12) https://lisztomaniarec.bandcam....p.com/album/you-name
13) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/7395693/call-me-i
14) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/6944605/the-trump
15) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/9756124/dig-the-s
16) https://www.traxsource.com/tra....ck/10280128/une-nuit
17) https://lisztomaniarec.bandcam....p.com/track/definiti
18) https://www.traxsource.com/track/9637756/in-dreams
19) https://igorgonya.bandcamp.com/track/jazzlounge

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