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Fact Check: 5G Tech Invites Coronavirus Unlisted

Published on 16 Jun 2020 / In Non-profits & Activism


Polygraph fact checks the claim that 5G technology has a correlation with the coronavirus.
READ MORE: The COVID-19 pandemic has breathed new life into anti-5G wireless conspiracy theories. Believers claim that the new mobile internet system will cause a host of maladies either directly or indirectly by weakening the immune system.

British ex-footballer and well-known conspiracy theorist David Icke, who once claimed the world is secretly run by shape-shifting “reptoids,” gave an interview to the online London Real TV show in which he claimed there is a link between 5G and the COVID-19 outbreak.

“It poisons the cells, which get poisoned by technological electromagnetic fields,” he said. “The cells get poisoned. They release exosomes, as an immune response, and they test (positive) for COVID-19.”

Icke went on to claim that Wuhan was the first Chinese city to roll out 5G service, just before the coronavirus outbreak.

Both of his claims are false.
LINK: https://www.voanews.com/scienc....e-health/coronavirus

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