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The BANNED David Icke Interview! My thoughts and updates.

Published on 16 Jun 2020 / In Non-profits & Activism

I wouldn’t normally speak about topics like this on this channel but I feel I need to given the recent events this past week about YouTube BANNING a video from a London Real interview with professional conspiracy researcher ‘David Icke’.
I believe in freedom of speech, everyone has a right to say what’s on their mind as long as they aren’t physically harming anyone or their property (common law). Given the nature of the video I don’t agree with everything David talks about but he does have some valid points that should be looked at and discussed more openly.
I also must adhere to the same possibility that my channel could be banned for any reason at any time if that is the case as I am also a YouTube partner.
Checkout the interview from 5mins in onwards and see what you think it’s on my Dj WIz NZ Fb Page see link below.
It really raises eyebrows when big media outlets like BBC and the like can influence platforms like YouTube to take off certain content that may interfere with their income or even worse when what David says has some actual truth to it. At the end of the day ‘YOU BE THE JUDGE’

My DJ WIZ NZ Life fb page - https://www.facebook.com/djwiznzlife/videos/355467062073128/?vh=e&d=n

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